Growing Tobacco in Greece

Tobacco plants growing in a Greek field

Greek tobacco cultivation has a rich history and unique techniques that make it stand out from other tobacco-producing regions. The country’s favorable climate and soil conditions contribute to the production of high-quality tobacco, which is highly sought after by tobacco companies worldwide. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of growing tobacco in Greece, uncovering the secrets and traditions that have shaped this unique industry for centuries.

Growing tobacco in Greece involves traditional methods that have remained largely unchanged for centuries, including the use of natural fertilizers, crop rotation, and sun-curing of the tobacco leaves . The country is one of the world’s foremost suppliers of oriental leaf tobacco, with the favorable climate and soil conditions contributing to the production of high-quality tobacco . There are three main types of tobacco grown in Greece: Virginia, burley, and oriental .

Growing Tobacco in Greece: An Overview

Tobacco cultivation has a long history in Greece, with the country being one of the world’s foremost suppliers of oriental leaf tobacco . The favorable climate and soil conditions contribute to the production of high-quality tobacco, which is highly sought after by tobacco companies worldwide .

History of Tobacco Cultivation in Greece

The first steps of the tobacco industry in Greece were taken in the late 19th century with the annexation of Thessaly and Macedonia, areas known for tobacco cultivation . Tobacco production began to play a major role in the country’s economy, becoming a valuable source of income for the inhabitants of the province as well as for the Greek state .

Greek Tobacco Varieties

There are three main types of tobacco grown in Greece: Virginia, burley, and oriental . Oriental tobacco is a sun-cured, highly aromatic, small-leafed variety that is grown in various regions of Greece, including Macedonia .

Climatic Conditions and Tobacco Growth

Tobacco plants grow most rapidly with a mean temperature of about 80°F . The climate in Greece, with its warm temperatures and ample sunlight, provides ideal conditions for tobacco cultivation .

Tobacco Farming Techniques in Greece

Greek tobacco farmers use traditional methods for growing and curing tobacco, which have remained largely unchanged for centuries . These methods include the use of natural fertilizers, crop rotation, and sun-curing of the tobacco leaves .

Challenges Faced by Greek Tobacco Farmers

Greek tobacco farmers face several challenges, including an aging workforce, competition from alternative crops, and the need to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices .

Economic Impact of Tobacco Farming in Greece

Tobacco farming has been a significant contributor to the Greek economy, particularly in rural areas with less fertile soils . However, the industry has faced challenges in recent years, with thousands of farmers stopping tobacco cultivation and several processing industries ceasing their activities .

Sustainability and Environmental Concerns

Tobacco farming has been linked to deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution due to the intensive use of agrochemicals . There is a growing need for Greek tobacco farmers to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices .

Role of Technology in Greek Tobacco Farming

While traditional methods still dominate Greek tobacco farming, there is potential for technology to improve efficiency and sustainability in the industry . This includes the use of precision agriculture techniques, such as satellite imagery and GPS-guided machinery, to optimize resource use and reduce environmental impacts .

Alternative Livelihoods for Tobacco Farmers

As the tobacco industry faces challenges, there is a need to explore alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers. This includes the cultivation of other crops, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains, as well as the development of non-agricultural income sources .

Future Trends and Prospects for Greek Tobacco Industry

Despite the challenges faced by the Greek tobacco industry, there are opportunities for growth and innovation. This includes the development of new tobacco varieties, the adoption of more sustainable farming practices, and the exploration of alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers .


Greek tobacco cultivation has a rich history and unique techniques that make it stand out from other tobacco-producing regions. However, the industry faces challenges in terms of sustainability, an aging workforce, and competition from alternative crops. By embracing innovation and exploring alternative livelihoods, the Greek tobacco industry can continue to thrive in the future.

  • Greek tobacco production is set to plummet by 36% by 2026, down from 16,190 metric tons in 2021 .
  • In 2021, Iran overtook Greece as the world’s 32nd largest producer, with India, Brazil, and Zimbabwe following in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place .
  • Greece’s tobacco sales are set to grow by 2% by 2026, up from $518.06 million in 2021 .
  • What types of tobacco are grown in Greece?
  • Virginia, burley, and oriental tobacco varieties are grown in Greece .
  • Where is tobacco mainly grown in Greece?
  • Tobacco is grown in various regions of Greece, including Macedonia .
  • How has the history of tobacco cultivation in Greece evolved?
  • The first steps of the tobacco industry in Greece were taken in the late 19th century with the annexation of Thessaly and Macedonia, areas known for tobacco cultivation .
  • What are the climatic conditions for tobacco growth in Greece?
  • The climate in Greece, with its warm temperatures and ample sunlight, provides ideal conditions for tobacco cultivation .
  • What are the traditional farming techniques used in Greece for tobacco cultivation?
  • Greek tobacco farmers use traditional methods for growing and curing tobacco, which include the use of natural fertilizers, crop rotation, and sun-curing of the tobacco leaves .
  • What challenges do Greek tobacco farmers face?
  • Greek tobacco farmers face several challenges, including an aging workforce, competition from alternative crops, and the need to adopt more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices .
  • What is the economic impact of tobacco farming in Greece?
  • Tobacco farming has been a significant contributor to the Greek economy, particularly in rural areas with less fertile soils . However, the industry has faced challenges in recent years, with thousands of farmers stopping tobacco cultivation and several processing industries ceasing their activities .
  • How can technology improve Greek tobacco farming?
  • Technology has the potential to improve efficiency and sustainability in the Greek tobacco industry, including the use of precision agriculture techniques, such as satellite imagery and GPS-guided machinery, to optimize resource use and reduce environmental impacts .
  • What are some alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers in Greece?
  • Alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers in Greece include the cultivation of other crops, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains, as well as the development of non-agricultural income sources .
  • What are the future trends and prospects for the Greek tobacco industry?
  • Despite the challenges faced by the Greek tobacco industry, there are opportunities for growth and innovation, including the development of new tobacco varieties, the adoption of more sustainable farming practices, and the exploration of alternative livelihoods for tobacco farmers .
  • “Burley Tobacco Production in Greece (Classic Reprint)” by Unknown Author .
  • “Challenges of Tobacco Control in the Balkans: The Case of Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece” by Dr. Patricia R. Loubeau .